
  • Emiliane Alencastro PPGD-UFPE


Cryptoassets, Multisectoral governance, Money laundry, AML Policy


Although the cryptocurrencies were created with the aim of bringing benefits to the financial system, they brought with them an increased risk of money laundering. This article aims to demonstrate multisectoral governance as an instrument for the compatibility of norms applicable to the construction of an AML Policy in virtual asset service providers. It is especially justified by the constant increase in the use of cryptocurrencies and the level of sophistication of criminal practices involving these assets, as well as the mandatory development of an AML Policy in compliance with the applicable set of regulations and adapted to the crypto ecosystem. The adopted methodology was bibliographical and documentary research based on the hypothetical-deductive method. It concludes that the adoption of multisectoral governance tools is a good strategy to make the anti-money laundering set of rules compatible, as it is a way of aligning measures before and during the regulatory process and for maximizing the acceptability of regulation and, therefore, its effectiveness.


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Author Biography

Emiliane Alencastro, PPGD-UFPE

Mestre em Direito (PPGD-UFPE). Professora de Direito Digital (Sopece). Membro do Grupo de Estudos “Finanças Digitais” (Cin-UFPE). Advogada.


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How to Cite

ALENCASTRO, E. CRYPTOCURRENCIES AND ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING:: MULTISECTORAL GOVERNANCE AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR MAKING STANDARDS COMPATIBLE. Revista Eletrônica Direito & TI, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 18, p. 89–111, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.