Judge-Hercules, Judicial decision support AI, corroboticAbstract
The present work aims to investigate whether artificial intelligence tools can add to the human judge the superhuman abilities attributed to the Hercules judge as proposed by Ronald Dworkin. Thus, the theory of integrity, the metaphors of the chain novel and the Judge-Hercules are analyzed, as well as the adaptation of this theory to the Brazilian procedural reality. In addition, examine the techniques and approaches of artificial intelligence treated for the legal area to verify if they can fulfill the tasks undertaken by the Judge-Hercules. It was concluded that it is possible to “herculize” the human judge through intelligent tools to support judicial decision-making that can supplement it with knowledge inferred through the analysis of data relating to the specific case in order to contribute qualitatively to decision-making. The research method used in this work was descriptive, supported by interdisciplinary literature (legal and computational) of national and foreign reference.
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