: international cooperation mechanisms, cybercrimes, Budapest ConventionAbstract
The objective of this scholarly article is to examine Brazil's compliance with the Budapest Convention, an international agreement on criminal procedure and criminal law. The convention was created in response to the increasing threat of cybercrimes, with the goal of safeguarding the public from illicit acts carried out in virtual spaces. On April 17, 2023, Brazil ratified the Budapest Convention with Decree No. 11,419. By joining the Budapest Convention, Brazil agreed to enact laws to combat cybercrimes and to make offenses involving computers and cybercrimes punishable by law. The topic was examined through bibliographic research, utilizing theoretical references from books, theses, scientific papers, and monographs in order to gain a deeper understanding of it. In terms of applying the findings, the study is strictly scholarly, with the primary goal being the advancement of knowledge in the field. The study is categorized as explanatory since it identifies the rationale behind the subject's adherence, and as descriptive since its primary goal is to document and examine the subject without altering it. The research employs a qualitative method, prioritizing the comprehension and interpretation of the topic. In terms of objectives, this article demonstrates how Brazil can tackle cybercrimes by using the Budapest Convention as a valuable guide, which promotes improvements in legislation and global collaboration in addressing this kind of illegal activity.
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