Algorithms, Algorithmic discrimination, Compliance, ESG, UN 2030 AgendAAbstract
This article seeks to address the issue of algorithmic discrimination resulting from the underrepresentation of algorithm reference data in the face of discriminatory biases of race, gender, social class and others, in the context of digital transformations presented in current times. The article aims to highlight the necessary mitigation of the incidence of algorithmic discrimination based on understanding the role of ESG guidelines, on the rise in Brazil, compliance and corporate and individual responsibility, in line with the UN 2030 Agenda. This time, we start from the definition of algorithms and algorithmic discrimination in the face of discriminatory biases to then present the necessary change in behavior regarding discriminations rooted in society and introjected into the digital environment; extending to the emphasis on ESG guidelines and compliance in order to improve corporate governance, culminating in the perspective of the need for broad stakeholder involvement in the responsibility for mitigating discrimination, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The methodology presents research with a qualitative approach, of a basic nature, with bibliographic and documentary procedures, based on the selection of books and scientific-academic texts in databases, such as Google Scholar and Scielo, using descriptors such as “algorithmic discrimination”, “Discriminatory biases in algorithms”, “ESG and algorithms”, “ESG and compliance” and “Agenda 2030 and social responsibility”.
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